About the making of "Ghost Voices"

My son is autistic. I'm a musician. I wrote these songs about people living with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), sometimes from the perspective of a parent, sometimes from my imagined perspective of a person on the spectrum. I'm trying to help give voice to people who have a hard time speaking for themselves. They have no voice in this world of hate and cruelty. I don't know what else to do.

I started working on this album over 30 years ago, it began one night when I heard static riddled, ghost-like voices coming out of my amplifier. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I tried coming up with a concept half a dozen times, but nothing ever really grabbed me and it kept getting pushed to the back burner. Then one day my boy was in the studio with me, struggling to play bass and I was trying to teach him, and the idea of his voice not being heard clearly even by me, his own father, hit home pretty hard. The next few months the songs just flowed out of me, and when Chris Rose flew in from Colorado to record the album we were both inspired to say the least. I also have to mention the hard work Dan McHugh put into to helping us record the basic tracks, he was kind enough to play some bass "scratch" tracks on some of the songs which really helped us out tremendously, even though he had to just utterly wing it because we'd had no time to rehearse (Dan and I were busy full time working on our collaboration "Odiseo". It is a great album we're very proud of: if you get a chance check it out).